It’s been a long time coming, but Project of Heart has finally found a local, business that can source tiles that are not only ‘made in Canada’, but come from recycled wooden materials that would otherwise see a scrap heap.
Junction Gore Laser (to see where they got their name, click here), situated in the heart unceded Algonquin territory in Ottawa, has partnered with Project of Heart to produce tiles for learners who desire to use art to express their solidarity with the families and Nations who lost loved ones as a result of the Residential Schools.
You can now go to Junction Gore’s Project of Heart page, and to view the product page, click here.
For 15 years, Project of Heart purchased milled tiles from the United States, but now we finally have a choice. And imagine, no more paying duty to purchase wood that in all likelihood, comes from Canada in the first place! We have long believed that we need to *do right* by the environment, so here’s our first step taken, in addressing a sustainability concern that has plagued us for a while.
We are grateful to Heather and Bill for partnering with us, and we look forward to getting feedback from the teachers and facilitators that will be using these products.