Social Justice Actions:

The Haudenosaunee nation and the 1492 Land Back Lane movement: Today, multiple land defenders and allies are in court for blocking a development project that was not consented to by the nation. Stop the criminalization of land defenders! Respect Indigenous Peoples’ sovereignty over their lands and waters, and right to free, prior and informed consent! Stay informed on their Facebook and Twitter.
The M’ikmaq nation and their treaty rights: Mi’kmaq fisherpeople are being attacked by settler fisherpeople, with the blessings of colonial authorities, for exercising their 1752 Peace and Friendship Treaties rights of fishing and harvesting for a moderate livelihood. Respect treaty rights! Stop the racist attacks on the Mi’kmaq people! Click here for ways to support M’ikmaq treaty rights.
The Algonquin nation and the #MooseMoratorium: The Algonquin nation of Barriere Lake in La Verendrye park are blocking several access points to sport hunters – who often kill even female and baby moose for trophies and abandon the rest of the body in the forest – to protect the rapidly declining moose population. The government must stop issuing hunter permits! Respect the Algonquin’s sovereignty on their unceded territory, and apply their knowledge and care around the moose and everything on the land! Sign the petition. Follow their Facebook page for news, supplies needed, and actions to take etc.
The Wet’suwet’en nation and its fight against pipelines: The Wet’suwet’en nation have been fighting for years against pipelines threatening their unceded territory and lives. Coastal GasLink (CGL) workers and the RCMP are illegally building and occupying unceded Wet’suwet’en land. They must leave immediately! Many ways of taking action and donating at
The Secwepemc nation and the Tiny House Warriors movement: Ten tiny houses are being built and placed strategically along the 518 km Trans Mountain pipeline route to assert Secwepemc Law and jurisdiction and block access to this pipeline. Respect Indigenous law, sovereignty and free, prior and informed consent! Close dangerous man camps! Stop racist violent attacks and criminalization of land defenders! Sign the petition: Liberty Mutual must stop insuring tar sands, incl Keystone XL, Trans Mountain and Line 3.
The Rotinonhseshá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke: They object to the proposed archeological digs by the Municipalité d’Oka and Mayor Pascal Quevillon’s proposed construction of a new Parrish Hall/Cultural Center for the Municipalité d’Oka. Thrity years after Canada’s military attack on Kanehsatà:ke (the “Oka crisis”), we continue to support the Rotinonhseshá:ka of Kanehsatà:ke in their fight to secure their right to self-governance in the face of colonial oppression. Sign the petition and follow Ellen Gabriel on Facebook.
7 Free Ways to Make a Difference: The Caring Society has 7 free Ways to Make a Difference (campaigns) for First Nations children and their families. The campaigns include Spirit Bear, I am a Witness, Jordan’s Principle, Shannen’s Dream, Touchstones of Hope, Many Hands, One Dream, and Indigenous Kids Rights Path. Learn more about these 7 Ways and how you can participate! For more information about campaigns and resources, go to the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society!
Have a Heart – Get Involved – Spread the Word: The Have a Heart campaign invites individuals to support culturally based equity for First Nations children living on reserve. On February 14, Valentine’s Day, show your love, unity and compassion by engaging in respectful activities that support equity for First Nations children so that each and every child in Canada is treated fairly and can grow up happy. Take action! Together we can ensure that First Nations children and youth have a brighter future!
Write a letter in support of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake: Urge the Federal Government to respect the traditional leadership selection process of the Barriere Lake Community and end its attempt to impose Section 74 Indian Act band elections. To write your letter, please visit Barriere Lake Solidarity.
Sign the Lead Now petition urging the Premier of Québec to stop the clearcutting of Algonquin lands and respect the signed agreements. Call on the Quebec Government to halt all resource extraction on Barriere Lake’s lands until they have honoured an environmental trailblazer agreement with the First Nation. Learn more about this campaign and sign the petition, click here.
Winds of Change: In 2 steps and in 2 minutes, send an electronic letter to your provincial representative calling for implementation of Call to Action 62.i. In the words of Ellen Gabriel, “This is what you need to be teaching your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren. You need to be teaching it in your schools and you need to make it a priority.” For more information on campaigns and resources, visit Kairos Canada.
Kairos Blanket Exercise: The Kairos Blanket Exercise will set Project of Heart into context–the Indian Residential Schools were only ONE of a number of actions that the Federal Government enacted to colonize and assimilate Indigenous peoples in Canada. Contact your local Kairos team so you can bring this exercise into your school, church, university, yoga group, any organization that wants to learn more of the truth of our county’s history.
Take the Pledge to stand with indigenous women and families to end the violence. The Canadian government has listened to the voices of activists who have called for a national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. A public inquiry into this human rights tragedy has been called. Throughout the inquiry process it is important to send a message to Indigenous women and families that people across this country—Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike—are standing in solidarity with them. Visit Amnesty International for details.
Close the funding gap to ensure safety and support for Indigenous women and girls escaping violence. There is a huge funding shortfall and this gap needs to be closed so that Indigenous women and girls in Canada can live without the threat of violence, intimidation, or harassment. Currently, only 41 shelters are staffed to serve 634 recognized First Nations communities in Canada, and there are none operating in Inuit communities. To learn more, go to Amnesty International.
Write to the Minister for Indigenous Affairs and demand that the Federal government lives up to their commitment to gender equality for all women in Canada. For letters via the post, the Minister’s address is:
The Honourable ___________, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs
Terrasses de la Chaudière, 10 Wellington, North Tower Gatineau, QC K1A 0H4.
Justice for Indigenous Women: Project of Heart has birthed an organization called Justice for Indigenous Women. Participants are invited to take their decorated tiles created in part 3 of POH and use them to learn more about the systemic discrimination against Indigenous women in Canada.
Make a “witness piece”, a piece of jewelry made from your decorated tile, and wear it to give testament to the resilience of Indigenous peoples, despite the attempts at genocide carried by the colonial state. Participants will learn how to educate others through their art! They are then invited to enact any of the social justice actions on the website or go to Amnesty International.